Imported02 » user profile

Member Since | 03/08/2021 |
Last Seen | 05/07/2022 |
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Imported02 replied to
PCHammond on Olive Oil Soap Mixed Trio-Pack $29.99 + Delivery @ Olive Oil Skincare

I'm going to give this a try

Imported02 replied to
dekkar on Olive Oil Soap Mixed Trio-Pack $29.99 + Delivery @ Olive Oil Skincare

5 years without signing up, my best ozbargained item was getting a DJI mini fly more combo for $300 and sketchers shoes for $10!

Be gentle guys, long time lurker, first post :) I have lots of skin issues and very sensitive skin and found this soap to be the only oneā¦

Imported02 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!