kmlali99 » user profile

Member Since | 21/07/2021 |
Last Seen | 19/10/2021 |
Recent Activities

kmlali99 commented on $7 off $15+ Non-Cash Orders from "Delivered by Restaurant" Venues (Pick-up or Delivery) @ Menulog (4pm-7pm Local Time)
Everything that is delivered by restaurant here is $5 delivery fee and $25 min order lmao pass

kmlali99 commented on Python Hands-On (45 Hours), Python Programming Beginners Pro (51 Hours), C# Beginners to Pro (118 Hours) & More $10.99ea @ Udemy
Is this good for a total newbie starting from step 1?

Best thing to do is have really high heat on a grill/pan till its sizzling. Just sear both sides of the chicken till a nice crust is…

kmlali99 replied to
Yorkshire-Man on Ready, Set…Cook! Boneless Butterflied Chicken $7.99 Per kg @ ALDI

Allgood thanks.

Hey mate can u check the packet and see if it mentions it being halal anywhere?

kmlali99 replied to
Thrifty not Cheap on Ready, Set…Cook! Boneless Butterflied Chicken $7.99 Per kg @ ALDI

Hey mate can u check the packet and see if it mentions it being halal anywhere?

kmlali99 replied to
bargainparker on Free: Fahrenheit 9/11 Documentary + Q&A Session @ Michael Moore's Substack & Youtube

I think this 1st Amendment guy is a lil slow or something. First he says they have “always” been shitholes. So I talk about their rich…

kmlali99 replied to
BuyOrNot on Free: Fahrenheit 9/11 Documentary + Q&A Session @ Michael Moore's Substack & Youtube

Afghanistan was a great country to live in before the Soviets invaded. Just search up Afghanistan in the 60s and 70s. They had huge amounts…

kmlali99 replied to
1st-Amendment on Free: Fahrenheit 9/11 Documentary + Q&A Session @ Michael Moore's Substack & Youtube

You’re actually so deluded it’s funny. Have u ever even looked into the history of the world. There are so many empires and…

kmlali99 replied to
illz on DROP + SENNHEISER PC38X Gaming Headset US$139 + US$15 Shipping (~A$212.42) @ Drop

Tried it again didn’t work, they just said they must’ve made a mistake. I guess it depends on who you get. Good luck to anyone else…

kmlali99 replied to
illz on DROP + SENNHEISER PC38X Gaming Headset US$139 + US$15 Shipping (~A$212.42) @ Drop

Hmm I’ll try again

kmlali99 replied to
illz on DROP + SENNHEISER PC38X Gaming Headset US$139 + US$15 Shipping (~A$212.42) @ Drop

Hi, i was able to pricematch but they told me they aren’t able to add the sound card. They said the free sound card is only if u buy at…

kmlali99 joined OzBargain.
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