sharichan » user profile

Member Since | 27/05/2021 |
Last Seen | 23/03/2025 |
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sharichan replied to
someone else on La Roche-Posay Anthelios Ultralight Sunscreen Lotion 50ml $22.77 + Delivery to Selected Areas ($0 Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Thanks! That's good to know. At the moment, I am using Japanese sunscreens (which so far works like a real treat) but definitely need an…

sharichan commented on La Roche-Posay Anthelios Ultralight Sunscreen Lotion 50ml $22.77 + Delivery to Selected Areas ($0 Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU
Does this sting the eye? I like the consistency of Neutrogena ones but gosh that one sting real bad!

sharichan replied to
coogeedweller on [Pre Order] Kobo Clara Colour $210.60, Clara BW $193.50, Libra Colour $291.60 - Free Delivery @ Booktopia

Continue to checkout, on the right hand side under order summary section. There will be an expandable section to add in gift cert, promo…

sharichan commented on [Pre Order] Kobo Clara Colour $210.60, Clara BW $193.50, Libra Colour $291.60 - Free Delivery @ Booktopia
I occasionally download free ebooks from prime reading. Is there a way to offload these books to kobo ereader?

sharichan commented on 12 Months PS Plus $53.30, Kindle PW $169, Fire Stick 4K Max $59, Echo Dot 3G $19, Google Nest Hub 2G $79, TLOU2 $19 @ JB Hi-Fi
Oh no - ordered the kindle through Amazon too early. Any way to get Amazon to price match...

sharichan commented on 100% Cashback on Häagen-Dazs Duo Ice Cream Purchased from Woolworths/Coles/IGA via Redemption (Up to $11.50) - PayPal Required
Bought a tub last night by coincidence. It's half price? at Coles

sharichan joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!