Mshy » user profile

Member Since | 17/04/2021 |
Last Seen | 26/07/2024 |
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I had issues with Dreame too. Told them I thought the vacuum was missing the mesh screen as my older model had it. They said this was…

Mshy commented on Womens Work Pants That Come in Short Length
I have the same problem- short and not good at sewing. My favourite shop for office attire is one that hasn't been mentioned yet- Jacqui E:…

Mshy commented on Suggestion of a Vacuum That Really Sucks?
I have a ducted vacuum, corded vac (Miele C3) and a robot vac (Dreame D9). Kids, 2 indoor dogs, 1 indoor cat. Robot vac used every 2 days.…

Mshy commented on What is your favourite hot sauce?
Chilli Willies. My fave: Check their website out- their hot sauces are…

Mshy commented on Is Costco Overrated?
When in Canada, I shopped at Costco to save money. In Australia, I don't go to save money but to buy items I can't find at ALDI/ Coles/…

Used snep Mine:

Mshy commented on Win 2 $1,000 Gift Cards from The Iconic
Used Stefano's. Mine:

Mshy commented on Thoughts on Kinetic Education Services
I'm currently using it for my 2 kids (8 and 12). It's great for self-motivated kids or parents who have time to make sure their kids spend…

Mshy joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!