Lupin the 3rd » user profile

Member Since | 13/02/2021 |
Last Seen | 29/03/2021 |
Recent Activities

It is already starting to be legalized medically not recreational in canberra. I doubt recreational use will be legal any time soon. As for…

Lupin the 3rd commented on An Idiot Tried to Hog a Spot by Standing in Front of It. Should I Be Petty?
you have a boring life it seems

Lupin the 3rd commented on Out of Date Food? Yay/Nay
keep it frozen it can last weeks/months longer as for milk if it doesn't smell bad its fine - i usually go a few days after expire date

do you get out and about much? sounds like you live in a bubble...

Lupin the 3rd replied to
whooah1979 on Borrowing Additional Money on Home Loan to Purchase Bitcoin. Need Advice

does this work as a tourist?

its not just about the water quality, building quality/pipe quality matters

Lupin the 3rd replied to
Nyclix on Borrowing Additional Money on Home Loan to Purchase Bitcoin. Need Advice

dont buy each month, buy the dips

if there is no strange smell or taste or discolour it won't kill you if you're going to do it often, get yourself a reusable filter bottle


Lupin the 3rd commented on Why is Bitcoin Crashing
Bitcoin has gone from 4k to 57k in less than a year and now some people are whinging about dipping to 47k? It's called a healthy correction.

Lupin the 3rd commented on Can't Cash Out Crypto From CV Markets
wassa wassa wassa wassa bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeect

or you can short for 100x+ gains during a correction/dump/bear season (elon will hate you for it)

still early in my books

1. Have you considered how much market cap it takes to get doge to $1? 2. Do you really think the people who "invest" in doge (degens) has…

This is incomplete. The biggest opportunity is not in just hodling alts but trading crypto with leverage. It is possible to 1000x on good…


Lupin the 3rd joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!