Grayjay » user profile

Member Since | 09/09/2020 |
Last Seen | 24/11/2024 |
Recent Activities

Grayjay replied to
ozstig on [PreOrder] Google Pixel 9 Pro XL 128GB $147 on 24-Month 300GB/M $99/M JB Plan (Port-in/New Customers, In-Store Only) @ JB Hi-Fi

Yeah I went with the 256GB only because the hazel didn't come in 128

Grayjay commented on [PreOrder] Google Pixel 9 Pro XL 128GB $147 on 24-Month 300GB/M $99/M JB Plan (Port-in/New Customers, In-Store Only) @ JB Hi-Fi
Completed my order within 15 minutes at an Adelaide store. Was instantly activated and I can pick it up first thing tomorrow with the gift…

Grayjay commented on [PreOrder] Google Pixel 9 Pro XL 128GB $147 on 24-Month 300GB/M $99/M JB Plan (Port-in/New Customers, In-Store Only) @ JB Hi-Fi
Anyone in Adelaide successfully completed and pick theirs up?

Grayjay replied to
ashumz on Alienware 32" 4K QD-OLED Gaming Monitor - AW3225QF $1,889.80 ($1751.51 via Student Purchase Program) Delivered @ Dell AU

Ooof. Purchased mine at 9am yesterday, still on track for Feb 8th delivery.

Grayjay replied to
Kazusa on Alienware 32" 4K QD-OLED Gaming Monitor - AW3225QF $1,889.80 ($1751.51 via Student Purchase Program) Delivered @ Dell AU

I got the student discount using a Gmail address lol. Thanks friend.

Grayjay commented on Alienware 32" 4K QD-OLED Gaming Monitor - AW3225QF $1,889.80 ($1751.51 via Student Purchase Program) Delivered @ Dell AU
Was hoping to be an early bird for this one but the cart glitch has ruined that. Anyone had any success?

Grayjay replied to
Kazusa on Sennheiser HD800S Over-ear Audiophile Reference Headphones $1,679.00 Shipped @ Sennheiser eBay

Damn, I gotta watch out for that

Grayjay replied to
Kazusa on Sennheiser HD800S Over-ear Audiophile Reference Headphones $1,679.00 Shipped @ Sennheiser eBay

How did you get an 8xx for $900?

Grayjay commented on [eBay Plus] $0 Variable Final Value Fees on any 3 New Listings (August and September 2023), 3x 50% off Postage @ eBay Australia
Wait so is this promotion for August AND september? as in 3 free sales for 2 months?

Grayjay replied to
bindok on Focal Utopia 2022 Open Back Headphones $3999 Delivered @ Addicted To Audio

Yeah I was about to pick these up tomorrow, chaning my mind now.

Grayjay replied to
2expensive4me on Focal Clear Open Back Headphones $799 Delivered @ Addicted to Audio

These are crazy prices.

Grayjay replied to
Grayjay on [eBay Plus] Valve Steam Deck 64GB $655.20 (Exp), Panasonic RB-M500 Headphones (Black) $71.20 Posted @ Mobileciti eBay

Update: Seller has agreed to send an adapter for the wall charger. Did confirm that these are not Australian stock (already known) but are…

Grayjay commented on [eBay Plus] Valve Steam Deck 64GB $655.20 (Exp), Panasonic RB-M500 Headphones (Black) $71.20 Posted @ Mobileciti eBay
Did everyone get an American charger? Got a concerning reply from the seller, they weren't even aware it didn't have the Australian plug.…

Grayjay replied to
dogebargain on [eBay Plus] Valve Steam Deck 64GB $655.20 (Exp), Panasonic RB-M500 Headphones (Black) $71.20 Posted @ Mobileciti eBay

Same here, reached Adelaide Airport this morning. Now scheduled for Monday :(

Grayjay replied to
john lee on [eBay Plus] Valve Steam Deck 64GB $655.20 (Exp), Panasonic RB-M500 Headphones (Black) $71.20 Posted @ Mobileciti eBay

Came here to say this, No movement since Wednesday nights scan in. Huge bummer

Used sambuca

Grayjay replied to
carlordau on Focal Clear Mg Professional $1363 (Was $2199) Delivered @ Addicted to Audio

Are you saying the Clear MG pro is being discontinued? Any idea why?

I'm having a hard time putting them down! Just the perfect amount of detail and warmth, I think this is a perfect price for them. If I were…

Very different sounding headphones, The clear would defintely complement the HD800. Personally if you want an upgrade from the HD800 I…

Can't argue with you there, the sound/pad difference is subjective. The decision for me was I'm getting the updated model for the cost of…

I actually wanted the bronze/gold Premium colourway but getting these for almost half the cost and with the extra pads is just too good a…

This is the 2022 MG not OG model.

First post! Outstanding price for the Professional edition, A2A hasnt included this model in any of their holiday sales. I believe it's a…

Grayjay commented on Focal Clear $1199 Delivered @ Addicted to Audio
The Clears are the king of all rounders, Just great sounding cans. I actually traded mine for a pair of Arya Stealth's and I miss them very…

Grayjay replied to
Broody on GLAP Gaming Pad Controller for Android Mobile Phones $18.00 (Was $159.95) + Delivery (Approx $9.95) @ JW Computers via Catch

Yeah I got the same excuse as you. They state they've never actually stocked this controller. They've already issued my refund

Grayjay commented on GLAP Gaming Pad Controller for Android Mobile Phones $18.00 (Was $159.95) + Delivery (Approx $9.95) @ JW Computers via Catch
Seriously how many times can they make the error and not honour it?

Grayjay commented on GLAP Gaming Pad Controller for Android Mobile Phones $18.00 (Was $159.95) + Delivery (Approx $9.95) @ JW Computers via Catch
Price is up again? Just ordered one. lets see how it goes.

Grayjay commented on GLAP Gaming Pad Controller for Android Mobile Phones $18.00 (Was $159.95) + Delivery (Approx $9.95) @ JW Computers via Catch
Damn. Payment got cancelled as it was processing.

Grayjay commented on Focal Clear $1199 Delivered @ Addicted to Audio
Please tell me why the Pro versions aern't included.

Grayjay replied to
SBOB on I'm Wanting to Replace Electricity Smart Meter with a Regular Analogue One (NSW)

Every year, it's a requirement as part of your licence (South Australia) You are right there, it could go either way.