Superr » user profile

Member Since 23/04/2020
Last Seen 24/04/2020

Recent Activities

Health care workers are not volunteering. They are getting paid. It is quite selfish to think that people who are wanting to work to put…
24/04/2020 - 07:14
Well we can be certain that Crooked Hillary would be taking advantage of this crisis and giving contracts out to her special interest…
24/04/2020 - 00:18
You seem to be suffering from a severe case of Trump derangement syndrome. You should take a a course of Trumpenol medication. You should…
24/04/2020 - 00:13
Maybe it’s time for Jar Jar Binks to stop being a keyboard politician and enter the world of politics to save the world from certain…
24/04/2020 - 00:04
It’s nice to see that you sprout such unsubstantiated claims from the mainstream media. What incompetencies are you referring to? He has…
23/04/2020 - 23:52
Superr joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
23/04/2020 - 23:27