1829374120 » user profile

Member Since | 31/03/2020 |
Last Seen | 01/04/2020 |
Location | Brisbane |
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1829374120 replied to
inherentchoice on [QLD] Forklift and Logistics Cert III SkillsPack with License $1 @ One Stop Training

It depends, with this they look you up in a QLD education system. It only dates back to 2003 or so. If you have a qualification from before…

1829374120 commented on [QLD] Forklift and Logistics Cert III SkillsPack with License $1 @ One Stop Training
Doing this uses up your one opportunity for using the QLD government's cert 3 guarantee funding. It also involves you doing the one week…

1829374120 joined OzBargain.
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