eyezac » user profile

Member Since | 23/12/2019 |
Last Seen | 6 hours 15 min |
Badges | 1 |
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Woohoo thanks

eyezac was awarded a badge.

eyezac replied to
Alistair79 on [Perks] Breville The Barista Pro Coffee Machine - Red Velvet Cake BES878RVC $674.10 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ JB Hi-Fi

Ah shame. Thanks

eyezac posted a deal [Perks] Breville The Barista Pro Coffee Machine - Red Velvet Cake BES878RVC $674.10 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ JB Hi-Fi
First post so please be nice. Lowest price I could find. Price only available on Red Velvet Cake model. Price $749 then 10% off using…

eyezac replied to
SlowCarSlow on $50 for Opening an Instant or Everyday Access Account with a Maroons VISA Debit Card (Limit 500 Claims) @ Auswide Bank

Same then I did the one below using driver’s license which worked

Used Daff Mine: https://l.betashares.com.au/learn/giveaway2021/?referralCode=bd756012e62946c080324b1181e553b4

eyezac replied to
pieceoutswag on Little Birdie Launch Event: Free Dominos Traditional Pizza, Apple AirPods Pro $99, Nintendo Switch $299, Soniq 65" 4K TV $299

Don't have afterpay unfortunately, happy to cop the few bucks

eyezac replied to
sophin123 on Little Birdie Launch Event: Free Dominos Traditional Pizza, Apple AirPods Pro $99, Nintendo Switch $299, Soniq 65" 4K TV $299

Was refreshing on laptop and phone and kept getting blocked on the laptop forcing me to change wifi networks but the phone didn't get…

eyezac commented on Little Birdie Launch Event: Free Dominos Traditional Pizza, Apple AirPods Pro $99, Nintendo Switch $299, Soniq 65" 4K TV $299
Got a switch! $3 transaction fee but not too bad

eyezac commented on Little Birdie Launch Event: Free Dominos Traditional Pizza, Apple AirPods Pro $99, Nintendo Switch $299, Soniq 65" 4K TV $299
I managed to order a drone, just got the invoice. Took half an hour of loading and refreshing

eyezac joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!