Garth2079 » user profile

Member Since 22/12/2019
Last Seen 11/03/2025
Location Sydney

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Replying to my own question... yes, adding an additional $10 credit also resets the expiry to 365 days.
18/11/2024 - 10:27
I have a $10 365-day 0gb eSIM plan that expires in about a month. Can I renew for another year on the same $10 plan? I use a second SIM for…
22/06/2024 - 00:45
I was able to port from Optus to Amaysim in early September 2023 using a credit card, no further ID needed.
26/10/2023 - 00:55
Thanks, I think you're almost certainly right but sometimes the policies are changed and the service reps aren't updated. I can circumvent…
21/08/2023 - 16:07
Can I clarify your experience? I think you're saying you bought an Amaysim plan with e-SIM, added it to a handset that was overseas at the…
10/08/2023 - 00:03
Another 6 months later and still no Google Wallet support.
23/12/2022 - 12:02
Garth2079 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
22/12/2019 - 20:36