castlino » user profile

Member Since | 31/05/2010 |
Last Seen | 19/08/2010 |
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castlino commented on 1 TB Samsung F3 Spinpoint Drive $49
Sorry for those who didn't get the deal, I got 1. =)

castlino replied to
GreatWhiteHunter on [Soldout] 2m HDMI Cable Free Give a Way Again from PricesEngine

I would suggest you to email them if you really want to get the free cable.,

Yeah, this is indeed a security flaw from wibiya's toolbar. Just came from the site and the toolbar is now gone. They must have removed it.

the site must have been experiecing heavy traffic..

castlino replied to
POWERevolution on Amazing 2m HDMI Give a Way from, Limited to One PayPal Customer Account Each

I think it's normal for any transaction not to be registered on paypal when it has a zero total amount. This is stated in paypal…

castlino joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!