Hidden Dog » user profile

Member Since 08/10/2019
Last Seen 17/07/2024
Location Perth

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Used casentwho, mine: https://cont.st/JSkJznofb
14/11/2019 - 13:51
If installer doesn't reduce price then I would leave it at 315W. Even if 330 is higher efficiency the amount of solar panels you have will…
24/10/2019 - 18:11
Tell your child he/she should be happy to sleep under a roof at night
24/10/2019 - 15:58
For 22 panels, all up the difference is only 330W for an extra $300? I don't think it's worth it unless the panels are a better make.…
24/10/2019 - 15:38
Hidden Dog joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
08/10/2019 - 16:05