Slipstream » user profile

Member Since | 17/06/2019 |
Last Seen | 07/02/2025 |
Badges | 1 |
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"she is not focusing her time on something which will move the needle." Do you care to elaborate on this a little? I think that when it…

Possibly true depending on the teacher. Many teachers put in countless hours outside of their paid time in class prep, report writing etc…

TLDR : The issue is nuanced. Some teachers need and utilise the time to the benefit of the students and society, others take the piss and…

Unfortunately we increasingly seem to live in a world were people are reluctant to adequately discuss their thoughts in detail anymore.…

I would disagree. My partner is a teacher, I've learnt through her experience that there appears to be two "types" of teachers in the…

Slipstream replied to
BaccyChan on Team Group MP44Q 2TB M.2 2280 SSD $129 Delivered (Free Shipping Excl WA/NT) + Surcharge @ Centre Com

I own a signage and graphics design company. I have multiple graphics designers that work for me, some of my design PC's at the office hit…

Slipstream replied to
BaccyChan on Team Group MP44Q 2TB M.2 2280 SSD $129 Delivered (Free Shipping Excl WA/NT) + Surcharge @ Centre Com

Totally depends on your usage. If you're a video editor, and you're frequently dealing with terabytes of data moving around you'll find…

Slipstream replied to
Cgyun2014 on Team Group MP44Q 2TB M.2 2280 SSD $129 Delivered (Free Shipping Excl WA/NT) + Surcharge @ Centre Com

Less layers is better in order of quality (generally speaking) it goes SLC --> MLC --> TLC --> QLC however the price also reflects this. it…

Slipstream commented on Team Group MP44Q 2TB M.2 2280 SSD $129 Delivered (Free Shipping Excl WA/NT) + Surcharge @ Centre Com
Keep in mind this is a cheaper QLC (quad layer) based NVME not a TLC (Tripple layer) so it will have less long term endurance. Still great…

Slipstream commented on [VIC] Extra 50% off All Marked Bike Prices In-store Only @ Reid Cycles (Richmond)
I jumped onto look at the reviews for this company, lets just say that they're...less than stellar. I'd be very cautious about purchasing…

Slipstream replied to
edfoo on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

bargain /ˈbɑːɡ(ɪ)n/ noun 1. an agreement between two or more people or groups as to what each will do for the other. "bargains between…

Slipstream replied to
edfoo on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

Why? It's cheaper by far than the cheapest single bottle anyone could find online. It means people can get a single bottle for themselves…

Slipstream replied to
Pudina Chutney on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

If you'd just like a single bottle for $25 i'd be happy to sell you one mate. Yarraville / Maidstone area (home/work)

Slipstream replied to
slipstreamexpress on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

Hello fellow slip streamer, will flick you a DM shortly

Slipstream replied to
boozler on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

yeah i just enabled it on my end too (just now)

Slipstream replied to
boozler on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

hey, got a message saying your account doesn't accept new conversations, so might need to change something on your end to enable DMs. It's…

Slipstream replied to
montorola on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

unfortunately the only way i could justify buying a 6pk to the misses was the idea some of the cost would be remitted by a few people…

Slipstream replied to
boozler on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

No dramas, will DM you (when i work out how haha) FYI delivery is saying "Arriving 10 Jul - 18 Jul"

Slipstream commented on Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating 6pk $110.67 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU
I'm happy to buy the 6 pack and then sell a few singles for $25 a pop is anyone is interested. It would be pickup in Maidstone or…

Slipstream replied to
Jimothy Wongingtons on Minor Accident - Other Vehicle at Fault Wanting to Bypass Insurance, Any Red Flags?

Ian only drinks full strength Vic mate.

Slipstream replied to
bobbified on Minor Accident - Other Vehicle at Fault Wanting to Bypass Insurance, Any Red Flags?

Particularly around Tarneit and Truganina.

Slipstream replied to
Morphio25 on Doing 104kph in Right Lane but Blocking Traffic - What Do You Do?

It doesn't surprise me at all that you wouldn't comprehend how keeping everyone behind you waiting for a couple of minutes for your own…

Slipstream replied to
Morphio25 on Doing 104kph in Right Lane but Blocking Traffic - What Do You Do?

As predicted and I'm not surprised. Selfishness and a general lack of regard for others has been on the rise for quite some time in this…

Slipstream replied to
DingoBilly on Doing 104kph in Right Lane but Blocking Traffic - What Do You Do?

Notice all the down votes? That's society collectively letting you know you're actually an a-hole. I Doubt that it will sink in though,…

Slipstream replied to
Morphio25 on Doing 104kph in Right Lane but Blocking Traffic - What Do You Do?

Of course you would, because you're more important than everyone else aren't you flower? Why would the "keep left unless overtaking" apply…

Well done, carry on.

So it's people like you who cannot and do not comprehend the giant signs that state "KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING" and just happily put…

Slipstream was awarded a badge.

Sorry but your reality is warped by an over reading speedo. Most drives are actually driving around at around 95km with their speeding…

Your vehicle speedo is almost certainly wrong. It's a fact that car manufactures intentionally make their speedometers read higher than you…