pomelole » user profile

Member Since | 08/06/2019 |
Last Seen | 08/06/2019 |
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pomelole replied to
Springfield on [Box Damaged] Sony TVs X75F 49" $599, 55" $799 | X83F 70" $1,599 | A9F OLED 55" $2,799, 65" $4,099 + More @ Sony eBay

Turns out the problem was that my account is not located in Australia. It seems harder to change it than to create another account :(

pomelole commented on 20% off 248 Sellers (Allphones, Appliance Central, Futu, Dell, HP, ShoppingSquare, Sydneytec & More) Max Discount $300 @ eBay AU
I filled the code in the coupon box for the Sony X70F TV but got "This code can't be applied to your order.". Anybody has an idea why?

pomelole commented on [Box Damaged] Sony TVs X75F 49" $599, 55" $799 | X83F 70" $1,599 | A9F OLED 55" $2,799, 65" $4,099 + More @ Sony eBay
I filled the code in the coupon box for the X70F one but got "This code can't be applied to your order.". Anybody has an idea why?

pomelole joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!