Loz87 » user profile

Member Since | 22/05/2019 |
Last Seen | 13/11/2020 |
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Haha I agree. My wild stab in the dark was 537

I've had one pop up for the whole event which was the MacBook air earlier. I have no idea what going on

This is the first damn pop up I've gotten since it started and I wondered the same. I went for a count of how many were in the pictures…

I went 25/02/2020 click frenzy travel (last year was 26/02)

I missed the word 'travel' in the question. So I'm way off.

This was my panic answer... In hindsight I would have gone with something else.

I also got a Roomba. Damn post limit wouldn't let post earlier :/

Loz87 commented on Click Frenzy Mayhem 2019: Tuesday May 21 2019
Went for 24 hrs X 22 events... That's the level of effort I'm willing to commit now

I've been lucky enough to win all of the same emails. I'm on an unsuccessful roll

Congrats. Makes me feel so much better knowing I was way off

Wildly stabbed at 16

God I got to 72 :/ I even counted the dogs on the packaging haha maybe I'm overthinking this

Loz87 joined OzBargain.
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