saddguy23 » user profile

Member Since | 18/04/2019 |
Last Seen | 16/07/2019 |
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I think you're right my gf just broke up with me so i'm pretty much at rock bottom/suicidal even if i hate accounting i'm going to do it,…


I agree, I've made some huge mistakes and they are all my own doing. I wish i could go back in time but i can't . Do i hate accounting? I'm…

saddguy23 replied to
raiseyoursteaks on Career progression as an Accountant who stuffed up? Feel lost?

Hmmm, I've always thought about becoming a plumber (My cousins are plumbers) but i've never been good with my hands/strong in my forearms

saddguy23 replied to
raiseyoursteaks on Career progression as an Accountant who stuffed up? Feel lost?

Yea crazy, so what's left for those who don't make it? Should i just give up and end it?what' s thepoint if i in't make it into a good…

Do you reckon i should apply for every top 100 accounting firm?

I don't really know what else to do though, i mean i don't hate accounting , but i don't love it / passionate about it...

This sounds like a good idea but i just don't see how i'm any chance of getting into these firms? Should i work at a suburban firm for a…

At the moment i'm just in the production line , all i'm doing is sorting bottles and carting cardboard boxes :/

No i burnt my bridges there unfortunately

yea thats crazy very similar experience to me

Yea i suppose i don't like accounting but it's hard i don't really know what i like and don't like i've wasted a lot of my time in my life…

Hey i'd lvoe to work at these places but i don't have the marks (Only 60) and i think i graduated too many years ago to be eligible :(

saddguy23 posted a forum topic Career progression as an Accountant who stuffed up? Feel lost?
Hi guys i've made some big mistakes in my life. I studied commerce at university of melbourne (accounting and marketing). During university…

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