becarkey » user profile

Member Since 19/03/2019
Last Seen 19 min 30 sec
Location Brisbane

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Glorious GMMK Pro 75 Barebones Keyboard $195.75 Delivered @ Glorious Amazon AU
Current list price on Amazon is $208.24, with the option to check out out with a further 6% off coupon to bring the total down to $195.75.…
20/04/2023 - 22:29
Pretty sure you can get two for $8 at coles at the moment if you missed out!
26/11/2021 - 19:49
It might be worth contacting them. I was in the same boat and jumped on their online chat yesterday to see what the hold up was. It turns…
16/08/2020 - 07:50
becarkey joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
19/03/2019 - 23:50