patababe » user profile

Member Since | 15/03/2019 |
Last Seen | 13/10/2020 |
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My gf has had this phone for 6 months and absolutely hates it. Battery life is lucky to get from 8am - 4pm without needing a charge up. I…

patababe replied to
OzSikh on Huawei P30 Pro $1259.10, Huawei P30 $899.10 (Bonus - Huawei Wireless Photo Printer, Valued at $199) Delivered @ Mobileciti eBay

Thanks mate, purchased yesterday! When I ordered, said eta was Wednesday the 8th, now saying Thursday the 18th, know anything about this…

patababe commented on Huawei P30 Pro $1259.10, Huawei P30 $899.10 (Bonus - Huawei Wireless Photo Printer, Valued at $199) Delivered @ Mobileciti eBay
Price still showing up as $999 for me after following the link, is there a code or something?

patababe joined OzBargain.
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