marmlr339 » user profile

Member Since | 12/01/2019 |
Last Seen | 11/06/2022 |
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Look after yourself because nobody else will. Do what is best for you.

marmlr339 replied to
jjjaar on Anyone know the name of pink and white "candy balls" from the mid 90's?

~8-12mm in diameter.

marmlr339 posted a forum topic Anyone know the name of pink and white "candy balls" from the mid 90's?
So I was talking with friends recently about growing up in the 90's. We discussed these little white or pink (mixed colours) balls which…

Just pay the full price? It's not like they're expensive. Perhaps the stock was replenished every time you visited. Usually grocery /…

marmlr339 joined OzBargain.
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