fangtzuc » user profile

Member Since | 29/11/2018 |
Last Seen | 15/12/2018 |
Recent Activities

My status changed to "shipped" on 6/12. I still feel like they're scam, so I've already called the police. :(

Yeah, because I was worried about this and I tried to search, then I found you guys have the same situation as me.

Yes, I've cancelled the transfer, they said they'll try but not assure if they can ask the money back. If they successfully get the money…


If you receive any call or email, can you update here plz. I'm so worried now

omg I just bought and paid it yesterday (by online bank transfer). I told them I've paid alr but they haven't replied me. Has anybody get…

fangtzuc joined OzBargain.
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