Meted » user profile

Member Since | 23/11/2018 |
Last Seen | 05/05/2021 |
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Price drop is a year minimum after they are widely available, with all the scalpers its really hard to judge how many consoles are getting…

PS5 games are more expensive than PS4 and won't be getting discounted as much as the disk version of the same game. If you don't mind…

Meted replied to
0jay on Jack Daniel's Tennessee Fire 700ml Bottle $39.95 Delivered @ Boozebud via Catch

I prefer Fireball, but this is a much cheaper slightly inferior alternative

Meted commented on [PC] Steam - Chrono Trigger - $8.97 AUD - Steam
Look at the reviews on steam, still seems to have some issues after patching. DS port still seems like the best version

Did the same thing, game was fun but no one playing most of the time

Meted replied to
pensionday on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic $7.49 (Was $14.99) @ Google Play

only on my Samsung sorry

controls are typical touch screen stuff, not ideal but the game can be paused at anytime so you don't need to worry about quick reactions.…

Meted commented on 40% off All Boxing & MMA Gear + Get Free Neoprene Gel Wraps Worth $25 on All Order above $150 @ Iron Heart Sports
Says coupon has expired

Meted posted a deal [PS4] Fallout 76 $54.95 @ PlayStation Network
Just over a week after the game came out. Fallout 76 Tricentennial Edition is also 34% off

Meted joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!