dnbly » user profile

Member Since 18/10/2018
Last Seen 5 hours 48 min

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They have this one in vanilla as well, but beyond that you'll need to be adding your own fruit I guess.
03/07/2024 - 07:45
Tempting but I feel like you'd end up with too many dog toys 😅
20/06/2023 - 23:10
I wouldn't be so sure of that, some of those "games" listed could certainly still turn out to have negative value taking time spent on them…
19/06/2023 - 08:37
I think my laptop might have a compatible USB C/dp port but it seems as though my desktop doesn't unfortunately. It's a bugger they didn't…
10/08/2022 - 22:38
Definitely possible, I'll try sus it out but it's no biggie at this time, still fine with the 3in1, just a shame it isn't a bit longer.
10/08/2022 - 21:45
I still haven't got that message at all... But I did receive the product today, all seems perfecto. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like the…
10/08/2022 - 17:58
Obviously it's unfortunate but I think they may be exaggerating a little here on the great losses. It didn't look like they had much stock…
10/08/2022 - 06:57
I haven't gotten this yet, but mine also hasn't been marked as shipped 🤷‍♂️
09/08/2022 - 21:43
Mines due to be delivered tomorrow, hasn't been "shipped" yet but at least we shouldn't have to wait long to find out 🤷‍♂️
09/08/2022 - 12:11
I've been keen on one of these for ages but haven't been able to justify it, and probably still shouldn't but I've put an order in and…
08/08/2022 - 22:36
To be fair, each sheet could have been double length...
01/02/2022 - 23:45
At a glance I was hoping that was a large bucket of Milo...
01/02/2022 - 15:49
Does fttb not have an included modem box? If so this is perfectly fine for that use.
18/01/2022 - 12:23
.. this ol' thing again.
15/01/2022 - 10:48
Yeah similar products (perhaps even the same brand) were much cheaper before covid cam along, the hype for WFH/streamer setups has made all…
12/01/2022 - 17:24
I can't fathom how some random business could think selling rat tests could ever be a good idea for their long term brand image, maybe if…
12/01/2022 - 13:58
Getting a 404 on this one mate? 🤷‍♂️
12/01/2022 - 09:44
All mentions of it in the description used to say it was a 2 pack but that's all changed in the last 10 minutes - super dodgy.
11/01/2022 - 09:11
Just recently got the modern 4.5 seater from them, with 2 ottomans instead of going for a chaise. Loving it so far and very modular so…
04/01/2022 - 16:23
Charging you more than the total at check out seems super sus/illegal...
22/09/2021 - 18:35
I recall hearing some pretty dodgy/negative stuff about CUB in the past, or at very least people on here not wanting to support them...…
13/09/2021 - 23:45
Yeah first off not having a handle is a bit odd... And for it to be small enough to hold comfortably like in the photo simply means it's…
13/09/2021 - 22:55
I know some do, but probably not many.. and it's certainly more of a premium price point. Curatorial chocolates I think has a $15 flat rate…
24/07/2021 - 04:27
Fair warning they don't do refrigerated deliveries by the looks of it, which is probably fine in these colder months... But certainly risky…
23/07/2021 - 22:47
They seem to have some bulk options https://www.melbaschocolates.com.au/our-range/all-products/chocolate/bulk-bags-chocolate/
23/07/2021 - 22:41
If I'm not mistaken I believe most yoga blocks work pretty well too. Seen a few people using them in the past.
12/07/2021 - 13:00
Yeah looking at the posts write up it's coming off as a below average option at an above average pricing as far as a "deal" is concerned.…
20/06/2021 - 22:35