WarCreation » user profile

Member Since | 13/10/2018 |
Last Seen | 20/03/2025 |
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WarCreation commented on Best Cities to Live in The USA
This is a REALLY tough one to answer. I know having a good paying job is important but I'd recommend to look at what kind of lifestyle you…

10-13 hours is recommended for a 3 year old, this is including a day nap if she is still having one. Some 3 year olds no longer…

WarCreation commented on Out of Control 3 Year Old
Every situation is different so I think seeing a different health care professional is a great option. It could easily be food related, I…

I'd take it at this stage!

+1 for Dune but why after the first book and not book 3? Seems like a more natural stopping place unless you are really into it.

WarCreation commented on Recommend a Book to Read
Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson Pale Web Serial by Wildbow (free to read and beyond a good read!) Worm Web…

I've also had several claims with AAMI. They've been a pleasure to deal with. One was a substantial claim relating to a flood that required…


Iced Tea (no sugar) I have no idea how it hasn't taken off in Australia with how hot it is in the northern states for 6+ months of the…

WarCreation commented on What Butter Do You Use?
Nuttelex Buttery, its actually pretty food for fake butter. We have someone in the household with a dairy and soy intolerance so its just…

I find cooking on the BBQ helps the taste considerably. Cheap and great protein source. I find pan fried and oven baked a touch strong on…

This is 100% on the federal government and facebook has made the right call. Clearly there are back room deals happening, no way anyone in…

WarCreation replied to
Dumbaze1 on Zen 3 3070 and 3080 Gaming PCs [16GB 3200/B550 Aorus Elite/240NVME]: $1999 / $2348 + Shipping @ TechFast

I reached out to TechFast via email and heard back from them yesterday. Note this was in relation to my 3080 system ordered on 7/11. A…

WarCreation joined OzBargain.
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