Jclass » user profile

Member Since | 10/10/2018 |
Last Seen | 27/02/2021 |
Recent Activities

Jclass commented on Landlord Claiming Steam Clean Carpet ($100) When He Is Renovating The Place. Worth Taking to VCAT?
Remind me never to lease you ANYTHING

They have plenty

Jclass replied to
stirlo on JB Hi-Fi Doesn't Allow to Type Card Number and Pin from Physical Gift Card for Payment

I have a $50 card it’s hard to buy something for $50 and you can’t do split payments online

Jclass replied to
Cheeper on Traffic Penalty $457- Proceeded through Amber Traffic Light (NSW) - Cancelled

You should go back to driving school

Jclass replied to
bobz79 on Traffic Penalty $457- Proceeded through Amber Traffic Light (NSW) - Cancelled

He had plenty of opportunity to stop

Jclass joined OzBargain.
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