muazamkamal » deal and competition votes

Gaming PCs: RTX 3080, B560/B550 MB, 16GB 3200MHz RAM, 500GB NVMe SSD, 750W PSU, 10400F $1995 / 5600X $2095 + Delivery @ TechFast

out of stock Gaming PCs: RTX 3080, B560/B550 MB, 16GB 3200MHz RAM, 500GB NVMe SSD, 750W PSU, 10400F $1995 / 5600X $2095 + Delivery @ TechFast


Remember this deal that got 373 votes?. As well as incorporating a spicy MS dancing meme, I think it is my record. Well after much arm twisting, several wet willies and one or two atomic wedgies, we …