protocol77 » user profile

Member Since | 05/08/2018 |
Last Seen | 11/03/2020 |
Location | Brisbane |
Recent Activities

Got my points! Didn't even take the 7-14 days as my DD came out on 27th December and just checked this morning and already there Happy New…

They've made so many changes its hard to keep up

Have you contacted them to find out why you only got 4k? Would be curious to know as my DD is not due yet so if these pricks are straight…

Yeah they have caused a mess with sneakily changing the T&C as they go which is typical telstra moving the goal posts further and further…

Fingers crossed for you Let us know

Just spoke to Telstra live chat Guy seemed knowledgeable and he told me firstly I am 100% elible (his words) Also told me something…

T&C's say credited within 14 days if I recall correctly so hopefully you should get them by the end of the week or early next week That…

protocol77 commented on Phone for Mum.
I bought two A20's from the Telstra website on deal for $179 each with free delivery Locked to Telstra obviously but you can pay to have…

I noticed this little part last night The points will be bestowed to your Telstra Plus membership when; You've successfully registered for…

Absolutely otherwise they're going to get a wave of cancellations on their hands and a bunch of annoyed customers being told differently…

Me as well I never use direct debit if I can help it with any of my bills but just signing up purely for this offer and not permanently

I don't trust telstra for a minute so I signed up for the offer and set DD to come from one of my spare bank accounts with $0.00 balance in…

Sure not the best discount just more of the fact they introduced this I think is a great idea and I haven't seen it with another bank yet I…

protocol77 posted a forum topic Macquarie Bank Marketplace
Just curious if anyone has noticed that Macquarie has just introduced a Marketplace within their online banking with discounted E-Gift…

To clarify it is not a holiday I am having to go overseas because of a family members Ill health Therefore it is not a pre-planned getaway…

protocol77 posted a forum topic More Suitable Card (Than ING) for Overseas Spending
Hey everyone New to the community but a big fan of Ozbargain I wanted to post to ask if people find the ING account a good choice for…

protocol77 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!