w00dcah » user profile

Member Since | 03/07/2018 |
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Location | SA |
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Same as you, ordered at 10:26 AEST and mine didn't track. Definitely never ordered from BWS online before using any email address. Didn't…

If you can be flexible about which dealership you buy from, your best bet is probably to be willing to walk out if the salesman says no…

w00dcah commented on Realistic Discount on Mazda 3?
10% is way too optimistic, but it is absolutely still worth trying to negotiate in the current market. I negotiated around 5% off RRP plus…

w00dcah commented on Private Health Insurance extras - contact lenses
I did this once and as a result my son got arrested for insurance fraud. Needless to say, I have saved even more money than expected…

Receptionist: "Shake your head if you disagree with the price" OP: ...

Apologies if I've completely misunderstood you, but when you say "I think i will go with CPA for now tbh since i want to try to get a grad…

CA runs an "Achiever Program" which i think accounting students at any stage are eligible to apply for. It's essentially paid work…

w00dcah replied to
dust on [AMA] I've worked in both a Big4 and Mid-tier accounting & advisory firm - AMA!

I think you'd be managed out of most firms if you took 5 years to pass one CPA subject

w00dcah commented on Business Major and Future Accountant Question
Just my opinion on CA: The main thing that makes CA difficult is having to juggle it with full time work. The actual course concepts are…

w00dcah replied to
w00dcah on [AMA] I've worked in both a Big4 and Mid-tier accounting & advisory firm - AMA!

[@loveishell](/comment/6257044/redir): Probably depends on which area you work in, but generally "until the job is done". There is no…

w00dcah replied to
Mentallysick on [AMA] I've worked in both a Big4 and Mid-tier accounting & advisory firm - AMA!

If you are hoping to work 7.5 hour days at a Big 4, I estimate that it will take approximately 1 day before you are yelled at by a manager…

Yep, fair enough that's true. But it at least shows that it is not a clear cut "not deductible" as it is in most employee circumstances. If…

w00dcah replied to
[Deactivated] on Can I Claim Rental Deduction in My Tax Return? Accountants Help.

OP, I stand corrected: https://www.ato.gov.au/rba/content/?ffi=/static/rba/content/1011227127485.htm Claim away.

OP, the first thing you need to consider is this: Are you an employee or are you self-employed/running a business? You have already said…

w00dcah joined OzBargain.
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