Anestitos » user profile

Member Since | 15/06/2018 |
Last Seen | 08/03/2024 |
Location | Adelaide |
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Anestitos commented on 20% off 32A 5pin 7kW Single Phase Tesla UMC Adapter $176, $44 off Tesla UMC Adapter Bundles $384 Delivered @ INCHARGEx
Hi OP, are you guys doing anything on 20amp 5 pin tesla tails?

which state are you in? I'm in SA, account only showing 7kWh ??

Anestitos commented on Catch Connect $89 365 Days 60 GB Prepaid Starter Plan @ Catch Connect via Finder (Normally $120)
That's strange, activated a new service on friday. Might be state related.?

Anestitos commented on 25% off All Travel eSIMs/SIM Cards - Europe, USA, NZ, Japan, Asia & More from $21.75 + Free Shipping @ SimsDirect Sydney
Appreciate it rep. will do.

Anestitos commented on 25% off All Travel eSIMs/SIM Cards - Europe, USA, NZ, Japan, Asia & More from $21.75 + Free Shipping @ SimsDirect Sydney
Bugger, literally bought 10gb 30 days for EU on sat, posted this mornig. Should have waited. Anything you can do rep??

Anestitos commented on Krispy Kreme: 12 Deals in August ($20 Celebration Dozen at 7-11, $3 Shake, etc) @ Krispy Kreme
Unfortunately SA has no affiliation with eastern states. Even with KK app

Anestitos commented on 10% off 32A 5 Pin Single Phase 7.4kW Portable EV Charger Fit Tesla BYD MG EVs $342 Free Ship @ INCHARGEx
Sorry mate, don't agree with your comment. My tesla UMC does do 11kw with my 5 pin 3 phase tail. Unless I'm interpretating your commet…

Anestitos commented on 10% off 32A 5 Pin Single Phase 7.4kW Portable EV Charger Fit Tesla BYD MG EVs $342 Free Ship @ INCHARGEx
Excuse my ignorance, isn't 3 pin for single phase and five pin 3 phase.??

Anestitos commented on Tesla Gen 3 Wall Connector (EV Charger) with 7.3m Lead $750 Delivered @ Tesla
Not a deal. This has been available at this price since Muskey advised mobile connector wont be coming with the car. Hence why he dopped…

Anestitos commented on 22kw 5m Type 2 to Type 2 EV Charging Cable - $224.10 Delivered (Save 10%) @ EVSE
Looks like all their legths are 10% off. EVSE- 7m for $301.5O, Telsa- 7.5 for $310. Looks like Tesla is the winner for me in this case with…

NO. It needs to have the battery in it.

I just got on Telstra messenger once got home. First agent i got, applied it for me. Was a bit surprised, but worked. Might be agent…

Great unit. Got this free with JB couple weeks back, on plan. $69/mth 150 + 150Gb/mth for 12mths. $10 disc from live chat. $59 300Gb /mth.…

Anestitos commented on Coles No Annual Fee Mastercard + 12 Months Interest Free Balance Transfer @ Coles Online
Probably a good thing IMO.

Sorry, was looking at TL-HS100

Even cheaper on $20.90 free delivery with prime plus S/B or CR cashback

Anestitos commented on Tendak Foldable Mobile Phone Stand $9.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ TendakDirect via AmazonAU
All good, managed to work it out, but code does not work.

Anestitos commented on Tendak Foldable Mobile Phone Stand $9.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ TendakDirect via AmazonAU
Hi guys, sorry long time browser first time poster, but how do you get price as stated, when i go to deal i get price of $24 and different…

Anestitos joined OzBargain.
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