yona24 » user profile

Member Since | 31/05/2018 |
Last Seen | 11/07/2019 |
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Lets hope ebay gives us 15% sitewide next week for easter..

yona24 replied to
bennybaubles on Ben Sherman - 50% off Storewide & Online (Including Harrington Jackets)

what smell does it have? mine initially had a small scent of radish and pickles i would describe lol

yona24 replied to
giventofly on Ben Sherman - 50% off Storewide & Online (Including Harrington Jackets)

Thought we wouldnt be able to exchange as we ordered online. And was the quality actually different to in-stores? Makes me wonder lol

yona24 replied to
giventofly on Ben Sherman - 50% off Storewide & Online (Including Harrington Jackets)

Which store was this?

Just tried out the sizes at Myer and it seems like the M is a little too tight for me. (179cm 83kg and about 105 in chest) Anyone willing…

yona24 replied to
Unclebully on Ben Sherman - 50% off Storewide & Online (Including Harrington Jackets)

Still haven't received mine yet also. Bought on Tuesday 6pm.

yona24 joined OzBargain.
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