Dualrush » user profile

Member Since | 23/04/2018 |
Last Seen | 12/06/2020 |
Recent Activities

Dualrush commented on Samsung Galaxy S10e or Huawei P30 $199 Upfront on $65/Month for 12 Months @ JB Hi-Fi
Hi all im currently on byo 12 months contract $35 with 50 gigs of data. Im just wondering do you guys think possible for to updgrade mine…

Dualrush replied to
mapax on Telstra - SIM Only Plan $65 for 60GB Data + $500 Gift Card or iPhone 7 32GB [12 Month Plan] @ JB Hi-Fi

Tesltra live chat but it depends on your luck. I got mine after second try. So good luck

Dualrush replied to
yummypinacolada on Telstra - SIM Only Plan $65 for 60GB Data + $500 Gift Card or iPhone 7 32GB [12 Month Plan] @ JB Hi-Fi

Nope yesterday i am still use telstra and bought $10 prepaid optus sim. Cancel the plan with telstra and get this $45 deals with jb with 50…

Dualrush replied to
spa on 75% Off Antler Lightning Medium 67cm / 3.1kg Hardside Suitcase - 3 Colours - $63.20 Shipped @ LuggageOnline.com.au (RRP $269)

Yes no extra but still):

Dualrush replied to
greencomet on 75% Off Antler Lightning Medium 67cm / 3.1kg Hardside Suitcase - 3 Colours - $63.20 Shipped @ LuggageOnline.com.au (RRP $269)

Me too:( But i got the offer Hi, Thank you for your order on Luggage Online. Unfortunately your order for Antler Lighting Medium cannot be…

Dualrush replied to
rashed4004 on Samsung Galaxy S9 ($699) or S9+ ($849) When You Port Your Number to Telstra BYO 25GB $49 12 Months Plan @ JB Hi-Fi

Hi could you please tell me how did u get $10 off again?

Dualrush joined OzBargain.
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