umairayub » user profile

Member Since | 23/04/2018 |
Last Seen | 27/01/2022 |
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umairayub replied to
BellaWii on 7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide - January 2017 to January 2022

Hi Mate. Will be able to lock my fuel U91 on this app. I am andriod user and could not do it due to new update. Help will be appreciated

Does anyone know , Nox or bluestacks are still working to spoof location. I am getting an error "this device is not compatable anymore".…

umairayub replied to
tryonthis on 35% off Samsung Galaxy S10e 128GB $779.35, S10 128GB $876.85, S10+ 128GB $974.35 Shipped @ Samsung Enhanced Partnership Program

oh ok.. bad luck this time :)

umairayub commented on 35% off Samsung Galaxy S10e 128GB $779.35, S10 128GB $876.85, S10+ 128GB $974.35 Shipped @ Samsung Enhanced Partnership Program
Hello, I also have samsung Education store. But i cannot see the 35% off. Can anyone please tell me what went wrong. is this deal still…

umairayub commented on 20% off at Selected 150 Sellers (Lenovo, Futu, Allphones, Sydneytec, Kathmandu etc) Min Spend $50, Max Discount $300 @ eBay
does anyone spot this 20% off on Samsung galaxy s10.

umairayub replied to
itsMartin on Samsung Galaxy S10e 128GB Smartphone (Australian Version) $849 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Hi Martin.. sorry. i though we can claim free earbuds with every new samsung galaxy s10. Just had a chat with them and they said promotion…

umairayub replied to
xinsnake on 30% off Samsung Galaxy S10 $944.30 Delivered @ Selected Samsung Enhanced Partnership Portals

Hi xinsnake. could you please tell me what to do next. Should i be an associate member of any other company in order to access this…

umairayub commented on Samsung Galaxy S10e 128GB Smartphone (Australian Version) $849 Delivered @ Amazon AU
are we still eligible to claim galaxy earbuds after buying from amazon.

Hopefully someone will find another way to lock prices on andriod phone. Finger crossed

Trying to lock with this way @armdrag on 15/04/2018. Using fake gps app and 7 11 app. App recently got updated and now getting location…

umairayub joined OzBargain.
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