c par » user profile

Member Since | 03/04/2018 |
Last Seen | 10/02/2019 |
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there's evidence for both: progress is slowing, moore's law is slowing down https://semiengineering.com/the-impact-of-moores-law-ending/…

No doubt all the android phone makers will be unloading their SD845 flagships before the SD855 devices arrive 899 for a pixel 3 beats the…

c par replied to
irishchoppers on Xiaomi Mi Roborock S50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2nd Gen Aust Version $458.95 Delivered @ Gearbite eBay

had this issue, turns out my ebay had a country setting set to USA. talk to an ebay customer support person and see if they can't fix it…

c par replied to
[Deactivated] on Xiaomi Roborock Mi S50 Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2nd Generation AU PLUG Version $476.10 Delivered @ Gshopper eBay

I'm also pulling the trigger today, right now i'm leaning on other deal

c par commented on Xiaomi Mi Roborock S50 Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2nd Gen Aust Version $458.95 Delivered @ Gearbite eBay
is it worth getting the combo deal with the extra components?

How is the signal? there are some complaints in the US withe this phone + t-mobile carrier service,

c par replied to
freewhere on Samsung EVO Plus Micro SD Card 32GB $16.76 | 64GB $29.56 | 128GB $55.16 Shipped @ PC Byte eBay

from the way they advertise 100mb/s i'm inclined to believe it's U3

c par replied to
ChatGPT-4 on GoPro GPXHDHX601 HERO 6 Black Action Camera $480.20 Delivered @ VideoPro eBay

had to change country setting to make it work, Thanks OP, it's almost on parity as the deals in the US

Anyone get this to work? it says "This code can't be applied to your order."

c par joined OzBargain.
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