instrumentality » user profile

Member Since | 09/03/2018 |
Last Seen | 10/05/2018 |
Recent Activities

instrumentality commented on 8Bitdo SF30 Pro Wireless Bluetooth Controller with Classic Joysticks + USB-C Cable US $32.99 (AU $42.47) Shipped @ Rosegal
Just arrived, took forever, my NESPI case come in aswell

Just arrived, took forever but it and the 8Bitdo Controller both come in, still hope guys

instrumentality commented on 8Bitdo SF30 Pro Wireless Bluetooth Controller with Classic Joysticks + USB-C Cable US $32.99 (AU $42.47) Shipped @ Rosegal
Same here, stuck in Sydney, makes me feel better that at least its not just me, same with my NESPI Case that has been stuck since the 15th

instrumentality commented on What to Call a Nut Shop?
Lets get nuts!

instrumentality joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!