Metallica22 » user profile

Member Since | 23/02/2018 |
Last Seen | 01/07/2023 |
Recent Activities

Metallica22 commented on Win a Segway Ninebot Gokart Pro Lamborghini Edition Worth $3,499 or 1 of 4 Minor Prizes Worth up to $1,499 from Segway Ninebot
Used missus Mine

Metallica22 replied to
gilmour on Win an Isuzu D-MAX 4X4 X-Terrain or MU-X 4X4 LS-T Worth up to $72,000 from Network Ten (Codewords Provided)

Or is it MU-X ?

Metallica22 commented on Win 2021 YES. Standard Snowboard Valued at $799.99 from Welcome Snow X YES. Snowboards
Used ri333i3 Mine

Used hilltown Mine

Used joshhhy Mine

Used emeister Mine

Used tombsc Mine

Metallica22 commented on Win a Choice Ski Trip to Queenstown for 2 Worth $10,475 from Virgin Australia
Used lookwithin Mine

Used damienhaynes

Metallica22 replied to
yacman on [NSW, ACT] LG OLED65C9PTA 65" OLED TV $3036 + $40 Delivery (Free C&C) @ Bing Lee eBay

From nsw regional

Metallica22 commented on [NSW, ACT] LG OLED65C9PTA 65" OLED TV $3036 + $40 Delivery (Free C&C) @ Bing Lee eBay
So good guys matched it $3036 pickup. I also signed up to racq for $26 which gives me 4% off gift cards. How are ppl getting 5% off gift…

Metallica22 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!