FartPants » user profile

Member Since 17/02/2018
Last Seen 18 hours 59 min

Recent Activities

Hey all, does anyone happen to have a screenshot of the Telstra outright price for the Pro Max 1TB, please? TIA
25/02/2024 - 20:12
I received a women’s polo when I ordered a men’s. Email sent.
07/02/2024 - 21:14
You couldn’t pay me to watch such brain rotting rubbish
17/10/2023 - 22:29
Please link me, thanks, thanks, thanks
22/04/2023 - 23:29
My order was just cancelled stating the item is out of stock or damaged.
22/03/2023 - 09:44
One of the things you can do to safeguard yourself on eBay is to limit buyers/bidders to those with a certain amount of feedback and…
24/11/2021 - 14:25
S9+ is 6.2-inch vs 13 Pro Max 6.7 inches. A lot of people do prefer the Pro with the 6.1" screen after trying the pro max for the first…
02/11/2021 - 13:12
Second-hand is an option, as a lot of people will realise the max is too big and sell it for the smaller pro. There's always the Apple Gift…
02/11/2021 - 12:50
Hey all Which one of these docks would you guys recommend for the MacBook Air with M1? I don't need dual screens. Thanks in advance…
25/10/2021 - 11:57
Excuse my naivety but do they still manufacture iPhone 11 Pro Max? Does the express replacement under Applecare+ entitle you to a new…
11/10/2021 - 13:36
See a cop, pretend it's a manual scooter.
31/08/2021 - 10:57
Placed order 22/08, received a cancellation message on Friday (27/08) and was advised to leave bank details as this is the payment method I…
30/08/2021 - 13:29
Some of the commentators are a little cold. Mistakes happen and a track record of good behaviour should be considered when contesting a…
31/03/2021 - 13:01
It's certainly not unheard of; for instance, MS is currently replacing faulty SP4 devices with SP5. A similar device is open to…
04/12/2020 - 14:05
So my Surface Book 1 (i7, 256GB, 8GB, GPU) has developed a hardware issue and needs repair/replacing. As it is out of warranty, it will…
04/12/2020 - 13:35
"Due to no apparent reason, the reject shop is still open in VIC !" - Victoria consists of more than just the metropolitan area. Regional…
26/10/2020 - 16:19
[@yht](/comment/6357698/redir): I have an Australia Post account linked up to my primary Ebay email address, so that's probably why I…
13/09/2018 - 08:44
Hello, hello - the giving of double barrel birds is the highest form of affection among my fellow bush dwellers :)
10/09/2018 - 12:32
G'day follow OzBargainers - for those who have received their Google Home Mini's, was it sent by 4PX perchance?
07/09/2018 - 11:36
FartPants joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
17/02/2018 - 21:40