fairleys » user profile

Member Since | 05/01/2018 |
Last Seen | 26/11/2023 |
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fairleys replied to
solidsnek on Eero Pro 6 Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6 Router 1 Pack $351 (RRP $439), 3 Pack $799 (RRP $999) Delivered @ Amazon AU

Yeah, great point. I'm not keen for that stuff yet, but imagine it would be useful in the future.

fairleys replied to
C0mbat on Eero Pro 6 Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6 Router 1 Pack $351 (RRP $439), 3 Pack $799 (RRP $999) Delivered @ Amazon AU

From what I could see online the Pro has a better range as well which was the main reason for me getting one. I'm keen to just have one…

fairleys posted a deal Eero Pro 6 Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6 Router 1 Pack $351 (RRP $439), 3 Pack $799 (RRP $999) Delivered @ Amazon AU
eero Pro 6 Wi-Fi 6 units are currently 20% off on Amazon. Not the cheapest it's been, but a reasonable discount for anyone in the market…

Plus one for the Unifi AC Pro. I found it not only gave me more range, but seems to be better at drowning out the other WiFi networks…

fairleys joined OzBargain.
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