Zan » user profile

Member Since 30/10/2009
Last Seen 02/03/2025
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

I own the original of this series which I bought second hand for maybe 600 at the time and it seems crazy high to me to pay this much for…
30/12/2024 - 10:22
Everything you said here is all mostly true, but you're definitely being hammered with down votes for talking smack about the talking tree
23/01/2024 - 19:28
I got the last 4070 kit with upgraded cooler, more case fans and a 2tb drive (came to 2.3k). My only regret was not upgrading the mobo, so…
09/07/2023 - 20:29
Unlike most sauces, this is not true in my experience. I had a whole fridge door of sauces that I've kept for years and noticed that this…
06/06/2023 - 09:07
STB was hotter than most hab sauces in my experience, maybe one that's nearly all pepper mash might come close. It's been a few years…
06/06/2023 - 09:02
If you like this that much, I recommend Swiss Army Man by the same guys. It's just as funny, weird and wonderful. Actually it's a lot…
27/12/2022 - 08:24
That's because they tend to be fermented like tobasco or traditional Mexican fair. Check out Melbourne hot sauce or Sabarac. There are good…
17/10/2022 - 08:47
Yep, I prefer this version. You can slather it on stuff and it works great as a salsa. I used to be able to buy it from a local IGA for $8,…
17/10/2022 - 08:42
I am upgrading to the P7 Pro from a P10+ haha. No complaints with the phone overall. Maybe lack of stabilised video. Most reliable phone I…
09/10/2022 - 12:08
Patron is (was) infused tequila - an actual spirit vs this which is a liquor. You can drink it fine with ice or milk but I like it best in…
01/02/2022 - 13:24
I would add that mixing in some sugar syrup might be necessary. Mr Black is less sweet than something like kahlua. This is my current…
01/02/2022 - 13:22
You can actually just brew directly over ice. Brew with higher concentration to make up for watering it down as the ice melts, and give it…
04/09/2021 - 14:05
I've used a little scale at home or work for years on and off, but honestly now with working from home and the aeropress being my daily…
04/09/2021 - 13:52
Good price. I got it from digi last year for $705 and $50 Sony cash back. Probably not as big a bargain hunter as some here. The effort…
04/09/2021 - 13:45
It's a marketing campaign for afterpay so they want you to use it. They're probably footing the bill for the sale or some other quid pro…
19/03/2021 - 15:27
How do you find it on Switch? Especially compared to the classic controller if you use one.
19/03/2021 - 15:25
I think a lot more people are going to give it a shot with the prolonged work from home orders. Making good pour over takes practice.…
15/07/2020 - 13:01
Keeping in mind it's all caffeine and an enjoyable hobby no matter how you do it but I thought I'd chime in like the Melbournian I am... If…
15/07/2020 - 12:59
The 128gb card is 59 on JB. What are the chances that these items are genuine and not counterfeit?
23/02/2019 - 15:43
This stuff is the goods. If you're lazy like me you can even use it as sauce if you don't mind smelling like garlic for half a day.
06/01/2019 - 18:56
:( I love ozb
24/03/2017 - 19:09
Volume maybe? More rich miners going on holiday than Radelaidians.
10/02/2017 - 16:51
It doesn't look too bad for a beginner tripod. I would stick to relatively light DSLRs and lenses though, the head doesn't look too sturdy.
20/01/2017 - 15:34
I've owned both Sigma's and both Canon's (not the L lens). The art is amazing, but I would've been more than happy with the…
04/06/2015 - 16:10
This beginner didn't. I shot exclusively with 50mm 1.8 at the start. Upgraded to a Sigma 30mm and then eventually went full frame. 4 years…
04/06/2015 - 13:46
It's not. A little less soft at wider apetures and slightly better AF. The 50mm f1.4 is also notoriously easy to break - all you need is to…
04/06/2015 - 13:35
Thanks for this! Just what I've been looking for.
23/05/2013 - 14:04
I own this tripod, and have used it extensively because it's what I have. I bought it a couple of years ago for a video camera, and now use…
19/03/2013 - 13:02
These are a harmless bit of fun (on a bike). For the first week or so the blue ones I had gave off a nice cool light and looked good, but…
07/03/2013 - 11:14
I know people are attached to brand, but if you're in Melbourne you really should check out Dejour Jeans on Sydney Road in Brunswick. The…
15/10/2012 - 11:04