Unbonkable » user profile

Member Since | 16/10/2017 |
Last Seen | 08/01/2018 |
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[@beetran](/comment/5381370/redir): I doubt your boss would be browsing around on OzBargain for deals...

Unbonkable commented on Xiaomi Wowstick 1FS 19 In 1 Electric Screw Driver Cordless Power Screwdriver US $19.99 (~AU$26.95) + Free Shipping @ Banggood
I used to work in a job building servers for customer orders all day long and something like this would have been perfect. Everything on…

But Amazon is employing Aussies though?

I work for a rental car company and we always struggle to get the smoke smell out after customers return the cars even though they are…

I bought some from eBay that look exactly the same just unbranded so I believe these will fast charge. They fast charge my Samsung note

Unbonkable commented on Logitech G810 Keyboard $108, COD WWII $54, KAMBROOK BLENDER $19, Google Home $146, Sony 70" UHD HDR SMART TV $2495 + More @ HN
https://www.harveynorman.com.au/logitech-g910-orion-spectrum-mechanical-keyboard.html Just got the logitech g910 from Harvey Norman for…

Unbonkable replied to
TRENT86 on Sony HT-CT800 2.1ch Soundbar 350W $379.30 @ The Good Guys eBay Store

Once you go black you never go back ;)

Unbonkable joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!