phonerehome » user profile

Member Since | 24/09/2017 |
Last Seen | 02/10/2017 |
Location | Sydney |
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You've summed up the situation perfectly!

Come back to this post to let us know :)

I agree, those flip phones do make great kids toys. Old Nokia bricks too, because they're bulletproof obviously

I apologise if I sound a bit naive here, but I'm genuinely interested - how easy are we talking and how is this type of thing done? Is this…

This is such an awesome use, Thanks for your contribution!

Check out the wordpress site for a few options at Alternatively I have just come across this page from…

Data seems to be a common and indeed valid concern Thanks for your contribution!

This is a fair question too - check out

I have to say I haven't seen this, but I will look into it further. Thanks!

Do you mind if I ask what you're getting out of keeping all your old phones? I mean, you say you like hoarding, but what specifically about…

Not all heroes wear capes - my mate does this too - it can be really handy at parties when someone has spare charging cables.

I agree with the personal attachment part - it has very much become a 5th limb and it is hard not to be sentimental when you invest so much…

That is fair enough. I think recycling only makes the most sense when the device is no longer functional.

[@PJC](/comment/5110895/redir): I'm sorry, what was your question referring to?

I didn't know they had a drop off point there! Thanks!

I used to do this with my older Nokia too until it stopped working. Now I just use my current phone (not as loud though).

A great way to repurpose!

Once you decide what you're going to do with all of them, whatever ends up as surplus you can recycle or repurpose!

I agree. I still remember buying an iPhone 4s outright for pretty close to $1000 and 5 years later believing it was worth more than the…

[@PJC](/comment/5110380/redir): I think these are a few options. 1. If your old phone has next to no value and isn't in the greatest…

[@citygal](/comment/5110289/redir): very few options available, especially if your used phones are older than 2-3 years. If you have a…

What I've found with a lot of people is that they want something in return for recycling the device (like trade-in value towards a new…

You're right about there being not too much of an incentive to do so. MobileMuster will recycle your old phones rather than resell them -…

Absolutely! It's a win-win scenario for everyone.

Do you usually just keep 1 backup phone at a time?

phonerehome posted a forum topic Why Do You or Don't You Recycle Your Old Mobile Phone?
Hi Ozbargainers! Long time fan, first time forum poster! I'm basically curious - we all know the inherent benefits of recycling to the…

phonerehome joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!