HansGunther » user profile

Member Since | 11/09/2017 |
Last Seen | 06/02/2021 |
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The deal says its tomorrow, but people are getting it today?

HansGunther replied to
Stzaa83 on Sony Alpha A7 III Full Frame Mirrorless Camera (Body Only) $2199.20 (5% off for Email Subscriber $2089.24) @ JB Hi-Fi

Thanks, I went with the 55 1.8, lots of great reviews on that. Shame about the 6 weeks delivery, both the lens and camera say 28th of may

HansGunther commented on Sony Alpha A7 III Full Frame Mirrorless Camera (Body Only) $2199.20 (5% off for Email Subscriber $2089.24) @ JB Hi-Fi
Thanks OP great deal, picked up 1x Interested what glass people have been pairing with this. I’m coming from an OM-D E-m1 mk1 with the…

Is this right? Has more suction than V10 (which only has 20% more than standard V8) and with bigger battery than V10, with V10 Nikel Cobalt…


HansGunther commented on Switch + Has Been Heroes $380.15, Xbox 1S + Destiny 2 + FH3 $244.15, PS4 Pro + GTA V $452.15 Shipped @ EB Games eBay
Anyone know if this can be claimed in a store? If not, the best in-store price. Flying O/S Wednesday and want one for the flight

HansGunther joined OzBargain.
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