Unherd » user profile

Member Since | 25/08/2017 |
Last Seen | 13/06/2023 |
Location | Darwin |
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Unherd replied to
Daniel Plainview on Buying a Carrot at The Self-Checkout - Machine Called for an Attendant

What a cruel comment to throw at @Cabbage_enforcer. Your comment shows a misunderstanding of trauma and its effects on the brain, mind and…

Unherd commented on [VIC] Kitchen Workshop Buffet: Kids (under 12) Eat Free with paying Adult (Lunch $34.90, Dinner $49.90) @ Crown Hotels Melbourne
‘ walk-ins had to wait in a line’ I’m not lining up for food. What am I in prison?

Unherd replied to
Iwantthebestprice on 6,000 Free Pints of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (Delivery Fee Applies) @ Uber (Available between 3pm to 10.30pm Local Each Day)

Would you choose lack of job security, lack of minimum wage, lack holidays or sick leave benefits if you had a choice? Doing mental…

Unherd replied to
Hardlyworkin on 6,000 Free Pints of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (Delivery Fee Applies) @ Uber (Available between 3pm to 10.30pm Local Each Day)

But everyone’s sugar addiction brain would’ve gotten their hit (judging by the comments here) and well on their way to their heart…

Unherd replied to
Iwantthebestprice on 6,000 Free Pints of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (Delivery Fee Applies) @ Uber (Available between 3pm to 10.30pm Local Each Day)

Definitely worth the lack of job security, lack of minimum wage, lack holidays or sick leave benefits - for your bike Uber to bring you…

Unherd replied to
CC123 on 6,000 Free Pints of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (Delivery Fee Applies) @ Uber (Available between 3pm to 10.30pm Local Each Day)

I really wish 2.8 billion folks in India and China could enjoy the convenience of getting a tub of frozen cream delivered to them by a car…

Saving, money back and speeding up your route to cancer! Triple win!…

Trust ozbgnrs to be so focused on the minutiae of this deal (aka) penny counting - and fail to see the big con / failure of personal car…

Unherd replied to
Dogsrule on Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus $66,900 + On Roads (Was $73,900 + OR) @ Tesla

There are plenty of public subsidies now for private transport - e.g on road taxes don’t actually cover the actual costs of road…

Start your kids’ day with this excellent nutritious breakfast helping them to be effective learners at school.

Unherd replied to
KintaroOe on ½ Price Arnott’s 160-250g Choc Biscuit Varieties $1.82 (Wagon Wheels, Mint Slice, Tim Tam, TeeVee Snacks, Royals + More) @IGA

But not the Kintaro dig *😲* Ignorance is an emotional commitment to idiocy.

Unherd commented on ½ Price Arnott’s 160-250g Choc Biscuit Varieties $1.82 (Wagon Wheels, Mint Slice, Tim Tam, TeeVee Snacks, Royals + More) @IGA
Just what we all need during a health pandemic. https://www.cnet.com/health/sugar-can-lower-your-immune-system/ That’s a pass from me.

Unherd commented on [TAS] Cadbury Freddo or Caramello Koala 35g $0.25, 1kg Caramel M&Ms $8, Assorted Chocolate Bars $0.66 @ Shiploads
A kilo of m&ms - probably at least 500g of sugar. I think I’ll choose to keep my immune system intact. Thanks anyway, but no thanks -…

Unherd replied to
Blue Cat on [NSW, NT] Free Two-Year Pass to Booderee National Park, Free One-Year Pass to Uluru @ Parks Australia

Oh FFS! Uluru is sacred to the Pitjantjatjara people (the traditional owners). So when you next think it’s a great idea to set up a…

Unherd commented on [WA] Häagen-Dazs Mango and Raspberry Ice Cream 457ML $1.99 (RRP $12) @ Spudshed (Best Before 01/09/2020)
$1.99 to wreck my immune health - not the brightest idea during a pandemic. No thanks Häagen-Dazs / General Mills.…

Unherd replied to
zductiv on [QLD, WA, NSW, VIC] 50,000 Free Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Delivered to Hospitals for Hospital Workers (Registration Required)

zd - you don’t seem to understand how drug patents motivate peer reviewed longitudinal l research at the costs (to be recouped) of…

Unherd replied to
zductiv on [QLD, WA, NSW, VIC] 50,000 Free Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Delivered to Hospitals for Hospital Workers (Registration Required)

Lol, keep up the added sugar intake zd, there’s nothing to worry about. Good luck!

Unherd replied to
lowlifesphere on [QLD, WA, NSW, VIC] 50,000 Free Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Delivered to Hospitals for Hospital Workers (Registration Required)

Agreed. I’d pause and think for a moment about what KK are going to do to our health workers at a critical time when they need their…

From my experience, there are a whole bunch of folks out there who don’t cope well with changes in their jobs roles. They’re the ones…

I do most of the shop for our family of 4. Using string bags for loose veggies from the supermarkets or markets. These work really well and…

This is confusing readers. Marriage in Canada and Australia has always been a secular law. That is - when a priest/pastor/prophet/etc…

Unherd commented on FREE T-Shirt to Those Enrolled to Vote from Gorman
Wow - so many uninformed, uneducated and downright ignorant comments here. You people should really learn about the laws of the country you…

Unherd joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!