Hey peeps, What's the best option to move 400L fridge, 5kg washing machine and queen size mattress from south west of Sydney to west of Sydney? Please PM contacts I can follow up. Thanks. P. …
Background: got rear ended at traffic light, other party lodged claim with NRMA but have not paid excess since lodgement 3 weeks ago. I have no insurance. Best recourse I can come up is to get quote …
A friend just had an accident. He's coming to terms with the changes and will be in hospital for some time. So I thought it'll be a great idea to get him a jigsaw puzzle of some photo …
Just finished survey and notice coupon. Not sure how long it lasts. 12L for $55.72 (shipping included) works out $4.64/L which is a shit deal if you decide to drop into Woolies to pickup: Woolies …
Cross Strap Sandal $7.99 per pair. Pretty comfortable sandals, but sole doesn't seem to be very durable. Rivers got promo of buy 1 get second one 50% off , combine that with $10 off on first …