JF999 » user profile

Member Since | 19/06/2017 |
Last Seen | 16/12/2023 |
Recent Activities

JF999 commented on Salomon Daintree Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots (Men & Women) $89.99 (New Customers, Club Price, RRP $269.99) Delivered @ Anaconda
Can I wear this boot to the EBC trek?

yeah, they put red valve cap on.

JF999 commented on Should I Fill My Car's Tires with Nitrogen?
Thanks guys. Probably too late for me to call to tell them just use normal compressed air.

JF999 posted a forum topic Should I Fill My Car's Tires with Nitrogen?
So this morning I brought my car to the dealer for the 1st 15k service, since I bought this car from the dealer the first service is…

JF999 replied to
centrelink on [April Fools] 澳八根将全面中文化 (Announcement: OzBargain Is Changing to Chinese)

[@brongz](/comment/5809793/redir): Mate I just found it funny rather hurts. people enjoyed the prosperity and convenience in here largely…

JF999 replied to
centrelink on [April Fools] 澳八根将全面中文化 (Announcement: OzBargain Is Changing to Chinese)

[@Michael15286](/comment/5804287/redir): Interesting people called Colonial or Invasion as Influences these days. like British influences…

Damn, cheaper than fly to Mel, Could just go to Sanya for a long weekend, but no holiday!

I lost a house on play baccarat over last 5 years.

JF999 replied to
Young gardener on Xiaomi 70 Minutes Car Camera (DVR) $28 USD (~ $35.29 AUD) Free Shipping @ Lightinthebox

The correct translation should be 70 mile (70Mai = 70Miles,not 70 mins),but it is just a brand name.

JF999 commented on Xiaomi Smart Mi Air Purifier 2 Smartphone Control US $124/ AU $168.47 Delivered @ LightInTheBox
Why do you need an air purifier in Australia? it's designed for polluted China.

JF999 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!