JarZ » user profile

Member Since | 20/08/2009 |
Last Seen | 12/12/2021 |
Location | SA |
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JarZ replied to
Ryk on Samsung 850 120GB $62/$83 250GB $104/$138 500GB $170/$230 (US/AU) Delivered @ Amazon

Yeah, it might die once you hit ~900 Terabytes written: http://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead/3…

JarZ replied to
CyberMurning on Samsung Galaxy Gear Rose Gold $85 Orange $95 Posted @ Yatango Shopping

[@erwinsie](/comment/2227389/redir): Why screw around with buggy custom roms when stock tizen will do exactly what you want it to do?

JarZ replied to
CyberMurning on Samsung Galaxy Gear Rose Gold $85 Orange $95 Posted @ Yatango Shopping

Bchilu is mistaken here. One of the features added with the update to the Tizen OS was the ability to stream music to a bluetooth device…

JarZ replied to
CyberGenesys on VisionTech Gaming PC Sale! i5 3470, 8GB, 250G SSD 500G HDD, 2G DDR5 GFX, USB3, 750W, $1028 +SHIP

I'd trust a decent quality Corsair PSU over the Aywun unit in this build. The estimated wattage at full load of the system I linked is…

JarZ replied to
GreatWhiteHunter on VisionTech Gaming PC Sale! i5 3470, 8GB, 250G SSD 500G HDD, 2G DDR5 GFX, USB3, 750W, $1028 +SHIP

Pcpartpicker was only used because it's a convenient way of pricing up a system really quickly. It's got limited vendor and part choices in…

JarZ replied to
wukachuka on VisionTech Gaming PC Sale! i5 3470, 8GB, 250G SSD 500G HDD, 2G DDR5 GFX, USB3, 750W, $1028 +SHIP

5 minutes on pcpartpicker gave me better prices: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/GdXP . And that's without looking at prices from cheaper…

JarZ commented on VisionTech Gaming PC Sale! i5 3470, 8GB, 250G SSD 500G HDD, 2G DDR5 GFX, USB3, 750W, $1028 +SHIP
This is about a ~$150 markup on the retail price of the parts alone. Parts that aren't great to begin with. You can get much better bang…

Yup... that's all cookware. All of the Wiltshire, 3dollar, 6dollar branded lines, and just about everything that counts as cookware other…

JarZ commented on Pyrex 1L Measuring Jug at Coles Was $12 Now $3
Coles is having a massive launch of a new cookware range in the next few weeks, so almost everything that's currently in store is getting…

JarZ commented on Xbox Live: SSX for Xbox 360 FREE (Game on Demand)
Looks like it's no longer working. Comes up with: Sorry This offer is not valid in your region.

I don't think Coles Myer spends anything on advertising, since they haven't existed since 2006... Wesfarmers probably spends a bit, though…

JarZ commented on Dell V313 All-in-One Printer - Only $9.00
2 months later, 3 "choose which option" emails received, 3 phonecalls to dell so far confirming that I want the printer sent to me and…

nope. i got no call from them

I got mine last week from DWI. It's an amazing phone. It is quite large, but I got used to it in about a day - now normal phones feel tiny…

JarZ commented on $1.00 Bamboo flares @ Coles (Garden City, WA only?)
Price should be Australia wide, but it'll depend on whether or not the store has any stock left. There's still a few left at Burnside Coles…

JarZ replied to
ozhunter on MLN Bargain Buy of The Day - Samsung BX2450 Full HD 24" LED Monitor $199 @ MLN Online or Instore

I ordered 18 days ago and still have yet to recieve my monitor (though it'll apparently arrive today, according to the courier) That is…

JarZ commented on ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101 16GB - $388 + $19 P&H
A good price on a great tablet, but be warned: if this is anything like MLN's last big deal, they won't actually have the product in stock,…

JarZ replied to
fastandthecurious on MLN Bargain Buy of The Day - Samsung BX2450 Full HD 24" LED Monitor $199 @ MLN Online or Instore

Looks like you've shot yourselves in the foot, MLN. This lack of communication from your store is VERY unprofessional. If you had simply…

JarZ commented on Catch of the Day (COTD) - Tuesday "Number 1" Party
Damnit! I had a PS3, went through all of the paypal stuff, and only had to confirm the order with one more click then Opera crashed for the…

Your online ordering system is terrible. If you're not going to accept credit cards without ridiculous (and totally insecure) steps…

JarZ commented on Wii Fit $50 at Dick Smith
I just bought one from the Norwood SA store. There are 9 left there, but they're not on display so you'll have to ask a staff member to get…

JarZ commented on 3 pack Up & Go for $3 at Coles
This special was part of Coles' last catalogue week in SA, meaning it ended at the end of trade Wednesday. Also a tip for readers: the date…

JarZ commented on COLES - 2 Regular BBQ Chickens for $10 TODAY Only
FYI, coles are doing some big sales over the next few weeks, with one BIG special per day. I can't remember exactly what's coming up, other…

JarZ joined OzBargain.
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