MaDaM » user profile

Member Since 03/05/2017
Last Seen 13/05/2017
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

I suppose that might be the case normally, but there wasn't any extra work for them in this instance. Besides, I would've had to live with…
03/05/2017 - 21:06
I don't remember exactly how long because it was about 5mths ago.. I discussed the fees with them today, but they're sticking to their…
03/05/2017 - 20:54
Hey everyone! I'm hoping to get some thoughts from the OzBargain universe about a situation with late fees from a childcare centre. To cut…
03/05/2017 - 20:33
MaDaM joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
03/05/2017 - 20:06