kentH » user profile

Member Since | 16/02/2017 |
Last Seen | 02/12/2019 |
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Sorry, I am getting a page not found

Great deal, thanks for posting!

kentH replied to
Teh White Mamba on EB Games Email Promotion - Sony Bravia X8000D 49" 4K HDR TV - $999 (Save $1100)

Thanks for trying Wacky.. someone nabbed that one too before i could get to it.. i am guessing it just isn't meant to be :( BTW just click…

Thanks CerebralRogue, but somebody used the code on me before i could get to it.. Anyone else that can PM me a code? Thanks Guys

Anyone else have a code they are not using that they could donate to me (maybe through PM)? pretty please?

kentH joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!