john71 » posts

International Travel Bets for May?

Hello everyone. I have a month's leave coming up in May and I think it's high time I dumped the kids and wife for a few weeks and headed abroad. Covid, however, may well have other …

Porsche 911: Buy, Lease or Rent?

I'm not much of a car person. I consider even a Corolla a bit extravagant (and perish the thought that it should have a spoiler). Recently, just for the hell of it, I decided to rent a Porsche …

Minimising Medicare Levy Surcharge

Hi My employer has been underpaying us for years. He's now going to cough up a pile of back-pay. While this is fantastic news, it will push my annual income to roughly $220K for this financial …


[Update] Optus Store Sold Wife Wrong Phone

I went with my wife this morning to buy a new iPhone from Optus with a contract. My wife requested the 256 GB model. When we got home, however, we discovered that the saleswoman at the store had sold …