Rsmithyy » user profile

Member Since | 26/12/2016 |
Last Seen | 27/10/2021 |
Recent Activities

Rsmithyy commented on 70% off Beef Jerky Bulk Packs 5x30g and 3x100g Bags $21.60 (Was $72) + $5 Delivery @ Dr Proctor's via BuyAussieNow
My jerky arrived today. I really like it. Thanks OP

Rsmithyy commented on 70% off Beef Jerky Bulk Packs 5x30g and 3x100g Bags $21.60 (Was $72) + $5 Delivery @ Dr Proctor's via BuyAussieNow
Can someone post a photograph of their received jerky? I gave in the other day and bought a large packet of jerky from Woolies. I could not…

Rsmithyy commented on 70% off Beef Jerky Bulk Packs 5x30g and 3x100g Bags $21.60 (Was $72) + $5 Delivery @ Dr Proctor's via BuyAussieNow
I reckon he is fulfilling fully paid orders before he sends out OZB ones

Rsmithyy commented on 70% off Beef Jerky Bulk Packs 5x30g and 3x100g Bags $21.60 (Was $72) + $5 Delivery @ Dr Proctor's via BuyAussieNow
Has anyone received their jerky today? What makes this worse is I recommended this deal to my friends...

Rsmithyy commented on 70% off Beef Jerky Bulk Packs 5x30g and 3x100g Bags $21.60 (Was $72) + $5 Delivery @ Dr Proctor's via BuyAussieNow
One more sleep to go before jerky! (although mine is meant to arrive on the 15th). If people receive jerky, please post on here with a…

Rsmithyy commented on 70% off Beef Jerky Bulk Packs 5x30g and 3x100g Bags $21.60 (Was $72) + $5 Delivery @ Dr Proctor's via BuyAussieNow
I just received an email (after chasing up) saying my delivery isn't coming until the 15th of August. I would be very interested to see if…

Rsmithyy replied to
luketechfast on R5-3600 | GTX 1070 FE Gaming PC [B450/16/240]: $917 + Delivery @ TechFast

Thanks Luke!

Hi Luke, Today is the 14th business day for my order. I emailed asking for an update but I haven't received a response. Do you know how my…

Rsmithyy commented on Gaming PCs: i7-9700F GTX 1070: $999 Delivered / R5-3600 RTX 2070S [B450/16]: $1299 + Delivery @ TechFast
Will the Ryzen PC with 2070 Super run AAA titles at 1440p at a decent frame rate?

Rsmithyy commented on Budget Gaming PC | Ryzen 5 1600AF CPU | GTX 1660 GPU | A320 MB | 120GB SSD | 8GB RAM | Leaper Case | $595 Delivered @ TechFast
Will this PC run WoW on 1080p smoothly?

Rsmithyy commented on Gaming PCs: R5-3600 2080 Super [16G/480G/B350/750WB]: $1649 [Plus CoDMW Code] / R7-3700X RX 5700 XT [16G/B350/480G]: $1399 + $29
@luketechfast What model 5700XT are you using? What is the current expected delivery time after an order is made?

Rsmithyy commented on Gaming PCs: R5-2600: $479 / R7-2700: $599 / R5-2600 2080 Ti: $2098 / R7-2700 2080 Ti: $2308 Delivered @ TechFast Website
Hi Luketechfast, When will you allow people to change which case they want? I want to pull the trigger but I would rather a better looking…

Rsmithyy replied to
jamestas on Gaming PCs: R5-2600: $479 / R7-2700: $599 / R5-2600 2080 Ti: $2098 / R7-2700 2080 Ti: $2308 Delivered @ TechFast Website

Hi James, Search on youtube for budget gaming builds. They all have benchmarks for different games based on the components. You will be…

Rsmithyy joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!