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[Switch] Dave The Diver $20.99 (30% off) @ Nintendo eShop

expired [Switch] Dave The Diver $20.99 (30% off) @ Nintendo eShop

Lowest price ever according to DekuDeals. Very fun game. Make sure to pick up free GODZILLA and DREDGE DLC also (thanks to LostyJai): Godzilla: …

[Switch] FAR: Lone Sails $4.50 (80% off) @ Nintendo eShop

expired [Switch] FAR: Lone Sails $4.50 (80% off) @ Nintendo eShop

Lowest price ever according to DekuDeals. DD says 4.5 hours for completionist so not the longest play through. Around $1 per hour, 50c per half hour, 25c per quarter of an hour or almost 1.7c per …