TimCinel » user profile

Member Since 12/07/2016
Last Seen 12 hours 13 min
Location Sydney

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Does the credit show up in the account, or did you just get an email? If the latter, you have to click a link in the email to activate the…
18/03/2021 - 07:28
After raising a support ticket the issue was rectified.
09/03/2021 - 11:49
Just checked mine today - 2 purchases, both rejected, both claiming that the purchase was refunded (completely false). Are ShopBack…
25/02/2021 - 17:19
Not equivalent. Controller is wifi, not zigbee.
15/01/2021 - 10:53
Yeah, I still completely agree that the way that page is written would indicate that fully remote employees are not eligible to deduct…
13/11/2020 - 16:59
I have only previously claimed it while renting, never as an OO. Aware of impact on CGT, thanks @RMBC / @bono EDIT: No mentions? lame.
11/11/2020 - 18:03
Two independent accountants recommended it to me since 2017. I don't know if ATO has updated their guidance on this since remote working…
09/11/2020 - 16:23
Rent and mortgage interest can be claimed proportional to the space used as home office.
09/11/2020 - 15:30
That's fair. I have minis in almost every room, but I don't have them hooked up to any IoT stuff and I keep them on mute. They're just…
04/10/2020 - 22:17
In many cases, fetching or pulling out a phone less convenient than pressing a button. Also, not all household members have phones. I…
01/10/2020 - 10:57
Sure, I agree. I didn't say it wasn't possible. What I did say is that It's not worth it, IMO, to just have one Unifi AP and no other…
11/08/2020 - 02:57
Don't get a single Ubiqiti AP, it makes no sense to use them unless you are going to adopt a bunch of Ubiquiti kit and use a Unifi…
05/08/2020 - 17:13
Nah it's common sense, mate. Every other country in the word is wrong and Australia is right, obviously.
16/06/2020 - 08:32
Are you suggesting that it's difficult to transfer photos from macOS to something else?
19/05/2020 - 00:07
You're the one who said greedy. This family has far, far, far more wealth than they need. If you are suggesting that a billionaire family…
29/04/2020 - 21:22
lmao, "greedy". the family that owns IKEA hoards billions of dollars in wealth. have you ever considered *not* licking the boot?
20/04/2020 - 22:56
Got mine, 9 Jan approval.
06/03/2020 - 15:44
Your purchase might be attracting interest. For both Citi cards I have, I've been told by customer support that repayments will be…
17/01/2020 - 00:57
We buy hundreds of them. Given how often the prices go up, I'm starting to wonder if they qualify as an investment...
05/09/2019 - 09:13
The rates are set by the Universal Postal Union, an opaque organisation based in Switzerland. This organisation has decided that China's…
05/09/2019 - 09:12
That's not quite right, China's postal system does have to pay for delivery in Australia. The rate is very low, much below cost. These…
05/09/2019 - 09:11
Wouldn't accept the code for my existing account. Worked for a new account, took a few minutes to figure out how to change ownership of the…
25/08/2019 - 23:39
Bunnings Scoresby matched Doorbell 2 and Chime for $239.99 (same price as Costco). Didn't push for 10% since they were resisting price…
07/08/2019 - 23:31
I don't know anything about Earth fault loop impedence or RCBOs. I'm interested though, where do you recommend I go to learn about them? I…
29/07/2019 - 13:31
Did you even read 4C? > Within this category the dominant causes are electrical repairs (to washing machines, plugs, etc.) along with…
29/07/2019 - 13:16
The proof is in the pudding. You will not find any published studies proving that outcomes are better when DIY electrical work is illegal.…
29/07/2019 - 12:51
> You're only making a fool of yourself Does my point not stand? It's considered safe enough to be legal basically everywhere else in the…
26/07/2019 - 23:14